The Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Network (CAN-AMR-Net) is a pan-Canadian, pan-One Health (OH) group of human health, veterinary, food safety and production, and environmental health researchers with expertise and experience across OH and professional sectors who will collaborate with public and private stakeholders to create a OH AMR research training platform. Our team includes leading experts in biosciences, epidemiology, social science (policy, law, economics), engineering, business, human and veterinary medicine, genomics, data science, systems analysis, and ecosystem health — each one excellent in their area of expertise but also with OH expertise and experience.

Our vision is to train the next generation of researchers, practitioners, and leaders in the application of transdisciplinary communication and methodologies across OH sectors that effectively tackles the wicked problem of AMR. We will work closely with the Canadian One Health Training Platform in Emerging Zoonoses (COHTPEZ) to coordinate opportunities that foster training to provide the future generation with transdisciplinary skills to address One Health, AMR, and emerging zoonoses for years to come.

We will offer research trainees and early career researchers translational OH AMR research skills in a transdisciplinary, cross-training environment via four Themes: 1) training to provide core OH AMR translational competencies; 2) transdisciplinary training and career readiness using a foundational, disciplinary OH approach to ensure trainees acquire the necessary vocabulary to communicate together; 3) excellence in knowledge translation and communication; and 4) Indigenous knowledge and engagement including Indigenous ways of knowing and doing, frameworks for co-creation/co-development of research and training, and community-led research.